
Golden Dandelion Trading, Custom Made Your Own Clothing and T-shirt, We also have provide Ready made

Golden Dandelion Trading - Custom Made Your Own T-shirt

Custom Made Your T-shirt

Golden Dandelion trading is a company that help customer to custom their own t-shirt, include the the logo printing also, if who else are interested to create your won t-shirt, you can contact them, the picture is the company name card, all the contact method is on inside, enjoy!!!

the following is their company website:

Golden Dandelion Trading, is the company that help custom to custom made t-shirt in malaysia.
the following is the website

they also have provide ready madet-shirt to the customer to continue custom made clothing
the ready made product website as the following:

for more information you can contact us, it is more easy to follow your need and wants to discucss about it.

Home page
Golden Dandelion Trading

contact us

Hand-phone Number (Chinese, English, Malay)

Ally Tan

017-312 9802 / 017-910 7808



Suggestion product, you also can use beased on your need and wants, no need follow the following products.
Ready made clothing

2 different brand.
Gildan (fabric/ clothing)
Oren sport (fabric/ clothing)

The 2 brand is the ready made brand for the customer easy to continue custom made
If customer have own idea there are no ready made, we will help you fully custom made your own t-shirt!


Golden Dandelion Trading - Custom Made Your Own T-shirt

Custom Made Your T-shirt

Golden Dandelion trading is a company that help customer to custom their own t-shirt, include the the logo printing also, if who else are interested to create your won t-shirt, you can contact them, the picture is the company name card, all the contact method is on inside, enjoy!!!

the following is their company website:

The differences of Downloader

hi guys, what types of down loader are you using? The following will share few different types of downloader which is from china.

This is one of the powerful and famous downloader, it albe to download any types of thing from the internet, it also provide a premium account, when you buy it, you can enjoy the full speed.

There are 1 of disadvantage, which is if you are free user, you speed may slow down or the file some time cannot to run, you need to line up and wait p2p.

But It very stable, and can help download which is the file are cannot download on other place, you can try to use this, it will very slow speed, but atleast you can get the file

2)Baidu Pan
It appear on few years ago, but now become better and better, all the file already on a status is "ready-to-download" which you no need to care about the download speed, you can auto enjoy the speed.

here also have 1 disadvantage, if you are using the resources that are outcoming on different website or the website are lack of famous, you will not enjoy the full speed.

This downloader also have provide premium account, but the premium is just let you to get a biggest clound storage.

This downloader become very famouse nowadays, because it easy, fast and stable, but this downloader actually only can download the file who are upload to Mega, this is the limitation.

4)Flash Get.
This downloader i think have many person are not like it, because it bring a lot of problem to computer, sometime will stuck. But this download always can download rare file from the internet.

5)Bit comet.
i Think many of you will recognize it. it can download any BT file in stable speed, and it will quickly recover any problem that are happen on downloading BT. Nowadays any types of file also can get BT, so although Bit Comet only can download BT file, but you no need to worry about it.

There are many types of downloader on this world, here just sharing some experience that i using one.

Golden Dandelion Trading, is the company that help custom to custom made t-shirt in malaysia.
the following is the website

they also have provide ready madet-shirt to the customer to continue custom made clothing
the ready made product website as the following:

for more information you can contact us, it is more easy to follow your need and wants to discucss about it.

Home page
Golden Dandelion Trading

contact us
Custom made clothing (contact us)

Suggestion product, you also can use beased on your need and wants, no need follow the following products.
Ready made clothing

2 different brand.
Gildan (fabric/ clothing)
Oren sport (fabric/ clothing)



Short Anime Introduce

Most of the people also will see some of the anime duration are just range from 3 to 10 min, some of the fans maybe not like this type of anime, but here i have to introduce to all people.

Because it is short, so the story have interest and there are less boring scene, wish most of the people will like the following anime.

Those short anime if direct translate the call as instance noodle fan, because when you see see 1 ep it can just done to cook the instance noodle.

1) Wakaba Girl

This anime is talk about the a girls is a “ojosama”, and because her father jobs need to keep change her school, then, this girl have learn another 3 more girls on this school and become good friends.
Sure the ending is good also.
The introduce seen like simple, but is there are many interesting scene on this anime.

2)inugami-san to nekoyama-san

This anime have a little bit Yuri, also call as girls love.
On this anime, the most right hand side of the girl the setting is she action is like a dog, and she is feel the middle one that girl  cute, because the setting of the girl like cat, and the most left hand side of the girl is the friend of the right hand side, but finally all to be good friends as well.
erm..... i know my introduce for this anime have a little bit confuse, but you must try it, because i have many cute action and lovely story on inside, you have try it!!!

3) Orenchi no furo jirou

This anime is talk about there are few Marine organisms leave on the right hand side guy home bathroom`s. This is very funny show, just try it.

It have more and more short duration animation is good, you all can explore it. Those 3 i just simply introduce to all in order to make changes of mind of all the people!!!


Golden Dandelion Trading, is the company that help custom to custom made t-shirt in malaysia.
the following is the website

they also have provide ready madet-shirt to the customer to continue custom made clothing
the ready made product website as the following:

for more information you can contact us, it is more easy to follow your need and wants to discucss about it.

Home page
Golden Dandelion Trading

contact us
Custom made clothing (contact us)

Suggestion product, you also can use beased on your need and wants, no need follow the following products.
Ready made clothing

2 different brand.
Gildan (fabric/ clothing)
Oren sport (fabric/ clothing)



kekkai Sensen all song (血界戰線 ost)

All still remember this song?
this song is kekkai sensen OP, i love this song so much also.
This animation was start on last year (2015)

now you can download this song on any place, beside that also dont forget go listen their OST disc, inside have many different song and other insert song which is appeal on "kekkai sensen".

The following is the OST track list
Disc 1 
1. Theme of Blood Blockade Battlefront
2. Footloose/Run for Cover/Footloose
3. Sidewinder
4. Libra
5. Victim
6. Snap out
7. Call You Later
8. Presage
9. Oblivion
10. Attack The System
11. Keep On The Sunny Side
12. Look Daggers
13. Toy Blues
14. The Urge
15. Hands On
16. Starbow
17. There Will Be A Day
18. United
19. Fate
20. Traffic Man
21. Under Pressure
22. A Funeral
23. Early Train
24. White Gloves(Reprise)
Disc 2
1. Catch Me If You Can
2. A Way Out
3. World Goes Round
4. On My Own
5. In The City
6. The Land of Nod
7. Dust
8. Just A Game
10. It's Magic
11. At The Gates
12. Epi femen dife a
13. Epigraph
14. World Goes Round(Reprise)
15. White Gloves
16. Hello,world! !(TV size version)

You can use the following website to download this OST collection
Sharing point:


Golden Dandelion Trading, is the company that help custom to custom made t-shirt in malaysia.
the following is the website

they also have provide ready madet-shirt to the customer to continue custom made clothing
the ready made product website as the following:

for more information you can contact us, it is more easy to follow your need and wants to discucss about it.

Home page
Golden Dandelion Trading

contact us
Custom made clothing (contact us)

Suggestion product, you also can use beased on your need and wants, no need follow the following products.
Ready made clothing

2 different brand.
Gildan (fabric/ clothing)
Oren sport (fabric/ clothing)



3DS emulator (citra)

Hi everyone, today will share to you all about the 3DS emulator.

The following is the 3DS emulator webiste

This emulator now able process on computer, but for android and IOS may need to wait more long time.

This ver. of emulator, now only have english version, if you would like to get a chinese version, you may need to wait for a time.

Besides that, this emulator still not enough mature or not perfect yet, some of the point still may increase, but if just see the overall, it can be process on computer.

For the 3DS game, now not all of the game already crack, but some of the game that have been crack you may like it also.

For Chinese version game you can found at here:

For english version game you can use the following website:

for the step to download chinese version, you just need to press download and save it.
for the step to download english version, you have to download a setup as a downloader to download the game.

wish you all have fun !!!!



Golden Dandelion Trading, is the company that help custom to custom made t-shirt in malaysia.
the following is the website

they also have provide ready madet-shirt to the customer to continue custom made clothing
the ready made product website as the following:

for more information you can contact us, it is more easy to follow your need and wants to discucss about it.

Home page
Golden Dandelion Trading

contact us
Custom made t-shirt (contact us)
Custom made clothing (contact us)

Suggestion product, you also can use beased on your need and wants, no need follow the following products.
Ready made t-shirt
Ready made clothing

2 different brand.
Gildan (fabric/ clothing)
Oren sport (fabric/ clothing)


荒川弘 Arakawa Hiromumi

Hi all, did you all know 荒川弘 Arakawa Hiromumi this author, he is awesome,  all the comic and anime that he create was fantastic, i very love he works

The following will show few of his works:

The most famous one:
Full metal alchemist
there 2 type of version of full metal alchemist, first is talk the two brother was separate on different world in ending, and the small brother because follow he big brother so he follow him go to another world. But the sad case is the big brother cannot together with the girls

Second is the big brother finally can get marry with the girl.

from this 2 ending, most of the person will like the second version, but actually both of the ending also count as good ending

Gangan Powerd
A very general story, the boy keep find friends and the finally fight with  boss, its look like simple and may have some boring because this anime is count as old version, but in the old version anime, he also is one of the interesting animation.

Silver Spoon
This is best anime, when i see the synopsis, i totally did not have any interest, but after i see.... what the hell i also want to be a farmer XD
It is talk about the boy was fail to go in the school that he want so he run away from the city then go to a school on farmer...

This animation really awesome, he can teach how a people to success, whatever u run, u also will do something... if u never see it, go for it !!!!

Arusurān Senki

This anime also not bad, it something like emperor generation, i can not explain why it is good, after you see it you may explain to me also XD


Golden Dandelion Trading is the company that help customer to custom made t-shirt, mostly is custom few hundred until thousand and more, if you have any event or other else you can find them.... IN MALAYSIA.

they also have provide ready made t-shirt for customer, and different type of clothing, like collar, long sleeve, quick dry, soft tee and others.

this is the website


WebMaster Goolge

http://goldendandelion.com.my Golden Dandelion Trading

This is the website that i build, from start i still can find my webpage on google in any keyword on my page. But after i join Google WebMaster, and submit my sitemap file, then i totally cannot found my webpage already in any keyword, except i type "golden dandelion trading" then only can find my site link, but the home page still cannot found it, i only can search the whole web address then only can found. This make me feel nervous and confuse, Whether this page is nobody see, but i just want to tell an experience to others.


Maple Story The Animation

There are many animation on this world, but we could not to see all the animation, but whether i not see the animation, i also will know the animation existing, except the old animation. Maple Story is one of the animation that i miss it, i actually not count as a old anime, but i also will auto to ignore its, so because this bad feeling, causes me go to see it, and now i start to enjoy it

This is the OP of the Maple Story, but what i see have some different from the maple story online XD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Golden Dandelion is a company that help customer to provide custom made this service to them. Customer can custom made their own t-shirt, for the job event and other else. Golden Dandelion also have provide the Ready made clothing, t-shirt and uniform to let the customer choose.

the following is the website

as u see the website is (MY) which means they only focus their business on Malaysia only.


Mizuki Nana Promise on Christmas

hi guys, this time i want share about a song from mizuki nana, which is call promise on chirstmas, the chirstmas is pass already, but this song still can listen, this song was create on few years ago... Mizuki nana is one of the powerful singer from Japan, most of the song i also like, and one of the song is this, wish u all can enjoy this.


For more mizuki nana song , you also can access the following website

there are up to 200 video song that are related to mizuki nana, u can enjoy this long moment.

Golden Dandelion is a company that can let customer to custom made their clothing, they only focus on Malaysia business. For more information, you can access the following website.



Anime done!!!

this week i have done to see a lot of animation
such as overlord, kekai sensen, and others news one
i also have see a lot of old anime like mon-colle knight, medal bee, and more.

compare between the new anime and old anime, old anime the story like less continuosly, which mean like less meaningful, but actually is better than new anime so many

new anime have very strong point on story, character setting, nice BGM and scene, i did not mean nowaday anime is bad, some of the new anime still have the "god" this title for them, but if take the quantity to compare, the old anime has more than new anime.

just my own opinion, different people have different say.


here let me to promote the website that i build.

Golden Dandelion : http://goldendandelion.com.my

this company is help those customer to let them to design and custom made their own t-shirt, so if you interest you can go to this website and find the contact number to contact them, if you do not know the process, if you already know the process, you can direct go to the product to choose the types of shirt that you want to custom made.
Currently it only just only serve the Malaysia customer, if you interest or have any problem just contact them directly.